April 1, 2011

Woman of the Circus

OPI has created a "soft tone" collection called Femme de Cirque. I fail to see the marketing plan behind circus themed names and soft feminine neutrals. OPI has also stumbled upon one of my biggest pet peeves. Saying something in French does not inherently make it classy. Maybe it's my five years of French parler, but Femme de Cirque sounds JUST AS STUPID as Woman of the Circus. Do not be fooled or wooed by Cirque de Soleil. Although, in fairness, Circus of the Sun sounds kind of awesome.

A Woman of the Circus sounds like a carney. "Carney" is a look I rarely desire.

So, while I love these colors, I am annoyed by the mis-match in the names to the colors.

On to the important part: the names!

Image and Formatting from Beauty Junkie

I like all the colors and the names are cute and funny despite being senseless.

Grade: B

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