April 12, 2011

Bitch Stole My Look

Look, I'm happy for Kate and William, really I am. Good for them. But now Lifetime is hocking knock-offs of her Sapphire engagement ring. Why is this a problem you ask? This is why:
Her Ring:

Side profile of my grandmother's (now my) ring on my wedding day:

Better (albeit less pretty) shot of my ring, on my left hand because my wedding ring was being repaired:

Bitch stole my look.

I don't mind sharing a look. What I'm bothered by are all the "Be like Kate!" knock-offs... and the sort of people who buy them. I would prefer to not be lumped in. This sentiment is catty, but mine is a natural real sapphire surrounded by natural real diamonds... not ordered from Lifetime for $29.99. Hrumph.

So, do I ditch my faithful right hand ring until the royal wedding blows over?

1 comment:

GriffWood said...

Love the blog! Kate not only stole 'Your' look, but also that of her late, soon to be, mother-in-law's. Remember when Princess Diana first adorned that ring, the media did the same exact thing!