May 30, 2011

I'm Redy.

Hair: Aveda
Nails: Shellac's Hollywood
Lips: Rimmel Rouge

Red is sorta my new thing. Firey? Feisty? You bettcha.
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May 28, 2011

Never Break the Chain (that I'm wearing as a necklace)

HuffPo Style recently posted a Stevie Nick's fashion timeline. I'm obsessed - Although the 80s still make me cringe. Additionally, why does the woman have to wear SO MUCH black?! What happened?

May 27, 2011

Michelle, Ralph and Tom

I am not unaware that my Michelle Obama fashion watch is bordering on obsessive. I excitedly await my invitation to comment on the "First Lady of Style" coffee table book that is inevitably coming. Shelly KILLED IT this week.
Here she is in Tom Ford. Only complaint is to maybe stand up a bit straighter, because the dress and gloves are ON.

Here she is in Ralph Lauren. Having a smoking hot first lady is enough to make me yell "USA! USA! USA!" and mean it.
Ralph Lauren on the runway.

This is a look of satisfaction that only comes from knowing how awesome you look.

May 15, 2011

Time Feels Melty

I found something I simply must have. Check out these AWESOME clocks by Pragmatic Effects on

See my wall:

See the clock:

Imagine, if you will, the awesome red melty clock replacing the craptastic standard living room clock in picture one. It's a must have, right? It's a steal at $50!

...yes, I'm watching Top Chef. So sue me.

May 11, 2011

Missoni? Bullseye!

Target has announced their new designer collaboration: Missoni. Neat! This collaboration will feature more than just women's clothing. It includes kids, baby, home, men's and accessories. Neat! I use the word neat because while I'm excited for this, Missoni has never made me faint (not that I could afford it). So maybe that it's a financial option, I'll faint?

If I can get this...
(summer 2011)

or this:
(pre-collection Spring)

... for $27.99 I'll be happy.

In all seriousness though, I love that Target partners with high-end designers. It also speaks volumes for the designer who do it. Kudos.

[Photos via]

May 10, 2011

I want Michelle Obama to teach me how to Dougie.

Heres the first lady in a Gaultier top hosting another dance party. LOVE HER. This dance party was to kick off a wellness program for military families. This new dance party trend is one I can totally get behind.
[Photo via HuffPo Style]

May 5, 2011

Fake Redheads Must Stick Together

Here is Christina Hendricks in Carolina Herrera. It may or may not be a mess, but ya' know what? I LOVE-HURR.

Is it the most flattering? No. Is it the best color? No. Best shape? No. Is it what she wanted to wear? Fuck yeah.

People have a lot of opinions about what Christina Hendricks should wear. Why? Because she has a stunning body that happens to (gasp!) include breasts. Leave the lady alone. So she doesn't wear the standard curvy girl a-line for every red carpet. Goddess bless her.

Girl. Strut It.

May 3, 2011

She saw red

I dyed my hair red! Two things:
1.) After dying your hair black, its very challenging to make it unblack.
2.) If you're ever in Lincoln Nebraska, please go see Jami at Posh Salon!

It's much lighter than the pictures portray, but hey, it'll have to do.