August 23, 2011

Lemony Fresh Dishwashing Detergent

After making my very own laundry detergent I decided to search for some dishwasher detergent recipes. I found one on the very same site, Craftleftovers and another great recipe at the no longer up-dated Frugally Green. I altered both a little bit, so it's OK to get creative. These are gentle enough ingredients that you can't do anything too wrong.

What you need:

Oh, and some of these, a load full of dirty dishes and a desire to not run to the grocery store to simply buy some Cascade.

Last you'll need one surprise ingredient that shocked me, but was used across the board in every recipe I found. After a bit of research it made sense... and made a wonderful lemon scent!

1/2 cup borax
1/2 cup baking (I cheated and used washing soda because I had it on hand and it worked great!)
1 package of lemon-lime kool-aid
1 glass jar to store it in
White vinegar - but only if you have own of those little liquid shine dispenser thingys, which we don't.

Mix it all togther! Shake it up, get all those clumps out.

Use 2 Tablespoon of mixture per load – 1TBS in the closing detergent container and 1TBS in the open one.

Happy washing!

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