August 27, 2010

Notoriously Voluptuous

Can we talk for a minute about this E Online Post about Jessica Simpson? A big F-U to E Online. They say,
"Fresh pics of the singer, looking, uh, very voluptuous, have been released—causing an uproar similar to the now notorious "fat pics" that were snapped of her wearing mom jeans at a concert in January 2009"

Let's take a look at the gigantic, ugly, obsess, whale that is Jessica Simpson:

Hold the phone. Girl is hot. I'll admit her hair is a bit of mess with this dress (shame on you Ken Paves), but va-va-voom - girl looks good. Her tatas are out in full force and her legs look amazing. But frankly, even if the dress was awful she is still hot underneath it. I would guess a size 8 or 10? Even in unflattering sweats she would look like a athletic and healthy person. So E, or whoever, back off.

Later in the E assessment they grant Miss Simpson an excuse for her "notorious" inability to stay thin: Men. She eats when in love. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess she eats everyday.

"Notorious inability to stay thin"... Everyone use that in a sentence today and report back.

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