June 4, 2009

Dear Branden,

Yay! Good for you! Love, Me.

Branden won "Make Me a Supermodel" last night. While both Sandhurst and Jonathon are beautiful men with futures in modeling (I have no doubt) I was rooting for Branden. He just looks... well, like a model.

Calvin Klein much? Actually, this kid screams Marc Jacobs to me but I'll get to that in a moment. First, how HOT did they all look together?

This is now pose my future hubby and groomsmen will be striking in the wedding photos. Drool. So fierce. Frankly, these boys blow just about anything Tyra's girls have ever shown us out of the water. I loved Mountaha, but the boys deserved to be there. Also Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, you're amazing. Best photographer they've had. Now, back to that Marc Jacobs thing...

Branden fits in here, no? Pale, slender (Jonathon and Sandhurst were too "built"), air of adorable cockiness. I realize this is Marc Jacob's 2008, but it's close enough. Branden looks right. He just does.

After disagreeing with Tyra cycle after cycle of ANTM I'm so pleased with "Make Me a Supermodel". Plus their judges seem to actually know stuff about fashion and modeling because, um, they actually still do it.

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