September 14, 2010

Reliving her magazine moments

Apparently GaGa was all over her magazine moments at the VMAs - including her now infamous meat get-up.
Here she is on the cover of Vouge Japan:

And here she is at the end of the VMAs, accepting her award.

Her explanation was a bit weak - I think it was supposed to be a whole "I'm not justa piece of meat" metaphor. Honestly, I would have preferred, if when asked why she was wearing raw meat if she just would have said: "Because I'm Lady GaGa, that's why".

My favorite moment of hers was on a radio interview. She mentioned that sometimes she wakes up and feels insecure like any other 23 year old. To which I was annoyed, because HELLO honey, you ain't a normal 23 year old. She then went on to say then she isn't a normal 23 year old and says to herself - "Fuck it. I'm Lady GaGa."

Fuck it, I'm Lady GaGa she be her response to everything. Stick with that. It's the rockstar way to handle things.

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