November 20, 2008

Dr. Asperger and those silly interns

I love how Grey's fans are current up in arms about the "ridiculous" and "crazy" things the writers have been doing this season. Um, It's Grey's Anatomy. It's one step from "General Hospital" and always has been. That's why we love it, it's a soap with slightly better writing, foreshadowing song titles as episode titles, a better soundtrack and significantly more famous actors. Hello, it's always been over the top. Several of the main characters have died and remain on the show.

I'll admit I do wonder how they'll tie up this weeks Izzie/Denny sexcapade, seeing as he's dead and all. I suspect she's has a nice vibrator and a brain tumor. Everyone who comes on that show has a brain tumor. They should really get the water checked or something. Anyhow, the more over the top, borderline jumping the shark, it gets the more motivated I am to watch.

Also, Christina clearly caring about Dr. Torres when she's losing it in the operating room - a bit out of character right? With the arrival of uber-ANNOYING Sadie (can they kill her off with a giant brain tumor - for real - please?) is Christina beginning the search for a new bestie? God, I hope not.

Get your wine (fine, Franzia) and ice cream ready - I think it's going to be a big one.

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