October 2, 2008

My mother will be so dissappointed...

to find out I plan on watching Grey's Anatomy and The Office(online) rather then the vice presidential debates. Look, I watched the presidential debates. I sat through all of Palin's PAINFUL interview with Katie Couric. I listen to NPR. I check the CNN, MSNBC, BBC and occasionally even the Fox News websites. Frankly, I know who I'm voting for already. I'm not a crucial swing vote. There is little Palin could do to make me like her... other then to renounce basically everything she believes in.

Let's be honest, the good parts will be run on the news over and over to point where I have spent more time watching a 1 minute clip of the debate then it would have taken to watch to watch all 90. In fact, I'm sure I'll get sucked into reading the full manuscript tomorrow on CNN.com.

Biden will look like a jerk; Palin will look like an idiot. shocking.

My raging liberal, freedom fighting mother will be so disappointed in me. But, I just have to know what's happening with MerDer, Izzie and the Seattle Grace crew. I mean who can sleep another night with out full assurance that Jim and Pam will be together forever? There will be just as much drama (well, maybe a little less) on scripted network t.v. tonight. It's just less stressful to watch fake drama.

Sorry mom. I just can't do it tonight.

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